On this episode of the Practical Broker podcast, I had the pleasure of interviewing Nicky Billou. Nicky has spent the last 20 years figuring out the mindset of champions.  He has worked with athletes and entrepreneurs at the highest levels, from Olympic Gold medalists to billionaires. Nicky will ignite your passion and push you to go further than you think possible.

We discuss the importance of podcasting for businesses, how to empower men and why you need to take responsibility for your life.

3 Key Insights

  1. A podcast allows you to build a large audience of your ideal clients, promote your product or service and position yourself as an authority to make a bigger impact and difference in the world.
  2. It is important to understand that at the heart of every man beats the heart of a badass and a warrior, the world today has conspired to make men soft. Men need to understand that they were put here on this earth, to provide for themselves and for their families.
  3. Everything in your life is your responsibility. The truth is most of us do not want to take 100% responsibility for our lives, we want to blame and we want to avoid. It is important to call bullshit on yourself and the people you are close to.



Nicky on LinkedIn

Nicky’s website

eCircle Academy

The Thought Leader Revolution Podcast

The Thought Leader’s Journey: A Fable Of Life

Your Next Five Moves: Master the Art of Business Strategy

Extreme Ownership: How U.S. Navy SEALs Lead and Win

Selling 101: What Every Successful Sales Professional Needs to Know

Marketing Lessons from the Grateful Dead: What Every Business Can Learn from the Most Iconic Band in History

Show Notes

How to keep the mindset of people in the right direction

We are living in the greatest time to be alive in history, the opportunities and the level of opportunities available right now is unparalleled. We have an opportunity to create a whole new life, a whole new world and a whole new way of conducting business.

The first thing you need to do is know what is happening out there. Don’t just listen to the news, find out who the true scientists and experts are, distinguish them from those who are trying to get their agenda across.

You didn’t cause the pandemic but how you react to it, that is all on you.
If you look at it by going, Oh, my God, it is happening to me then you will lose all your power and end up depressed because you won’t be able to build the life and business that God put you on the earth to create.

On the other hand you can look at it from the perspective of maybe I can’t do business the way I used to do it in the past but there are other ways to do business right now such as podcasting which could completely transform your life.

Every entrepreneur listening to this should consider starting a podcast as it gives you an opportunity to speak candidly to the world, find followers and find people who want to do business with you.
It is the greatest way to brand yourself in 2020 and beyond.

The biggest challenge his coaching clients have in starting their podcast

Starting a podcast is a way for you to authentically share your voice and what you are meant to bring to the world. It is a way to be authentic and people are craving that authenticity today.

Podcasting can help you navigate through the uncertainty and revive your existing business. Podcasting allows you to have amazing connections and help so many incredible people.

He has interviewed over 150 of the world’s top Thought Leaders on his podcast the T such as Astronaut Chris Hadfield, George Ross of the Hit TV series The Apprentice, Barbara Corcoran from Shark Tank, Supermodel & Business Mogul Kathy Ireland and a host of others on his podcast The Thought Leader Revolution

Fear and struggle are the order of the day right now, a lot of people are looking for answers and they are freaking out because they don’t know what to do.

A podcast allows you to build a large audience of your ideal clients, promote your product or service and position yourself as an authority to make a bigger impact and difference in the world.

Unique challenges he helps men to overcome in his group

The women liberation movement had some laudable goals to bring legal equality for women and make opportunities available for women.

Unfortunately there have been some unintended negative consequences which have made men one of the few groups that you can be prejudiced against publicly. People make jokes about men, there are ads on television ads, shows and movies that poke fun at men and fathers which you won’t see happening to women.

It has adversely affected men and a lot of men now believe that something is wrong with them. It is very important for us to realize that it is not okay to put men and women down, we need to put a stop to this kind of behaviour.

It is important to understand that at the heart of every man beats the heart of a badass and a warrior, the world today has conspired to make men soft.

Men need to understand that they were put on this earth, to provide for themselves and for their families. Let us be honest, irrespective of what anyone else says men are physically stronger than women.

Men need to understand that we have that physical strength and our job is to act as a protector and provider to our families.

Men also need to stand against those few men that are predators, that go out there and attack women and prey on them and do horrible things to them. The average man has to be ready to stand up to defend women physically when need be.

If society continues on its current path, men are in huge trouble and the stats for men and boys are terrifying because 60% of university graduates are women now. Fewer men are even bothering to go to college and they are just quitting. Men commit suicide at six times the rate of women.

The amount of violence committed towards men is nuts and we need to stand up for men as well. He runs his group because he wants to make men better husbands, better partners, better fathers and better providers.

What he learnt from Patrick Bet David book “Your next five moves”

Your first move is you need to be truly honest with yourself. At his core he sees himself as a kind and generous man who is also a lazy bum. The truth of the matter is people can tell when there are things you are holding back and it doesn’t work for them. They will feel something is off about you when they interact with you.

In his men’s group they hold their meeting outdoors irrespective of the season. In their meetings every couple of weeks, one man is responsible for fire and he has been on the men’s team for nine years.

He has never been in charge of fire until recently and he ducked it because he was afraid of being in charge. His belief was that he sucked at it so he wanted someone else to take it on.

When it hit him that this is who he was being, he decided to take responsibility. He came clean with the men and told them he has been hiding out on them and he will be taking on fire until the end of the year.

He has done the last two fires and he did a really terrible job. The fire got going because he had help.

He believes that the next time it’s going to be better. By the end of the year, the last fire he is going to do in December will be impeccable because he has decided that he won’t be a guy who avoids things and blames other people.

You need to take responsibility. Everything in your life is your responsibility.

The truth is most of us do not want to take 100% responsibility for our lives, we want to blame and we want to avoid. Netflix and Youtube are some of our favourite avoidance tactics in this generation.

It is important to call bullshit on yourself and the people you are close to. On a professional level, he also calls bullshit on the crap his clients are selling themselves and trying to sell to him. By doing that, he is serving them because they get at to look at what they are really all about and what they are creating which allows them to create something different which gives them phenomenal results in their life and business.

How can people improve their lives and business

You need to fill your mind with positivity. You can listen to podcasts and read great books.

You should also consider creating your own podcast.

This is the greatest time to be alive in history and opportunities are abounding all around us.

If there are people around you who are feeling down, it’s your job to lift them up. You can ask them what they need and help them feel better about themselves. This will also make you feel better about yourself and attract greater success to you.